As part of our public education program, we have put together a collection of live insects and arachnids from all over the world, which we love to incorporate into our presentations. Our collection is constantly growing, and new species are always being added.
Some of the current stars of our collection include:
- African Ghost Mantises (Phyllocrania paradoxa)
- Bess Beetles (Odontotaenius disjunctus)
- Blue Death-Feigning Beetles (Asbolus verrucosus)
- Hornworm Caterpillars (Manduca sexta)
- Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa)
- Spiny Flower Mantis (Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii)
- Brunner’s Mantis (Brunneria borealis)
- Tarantulas (Grammostola rosea, Pterinochilus murinus, Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)
…and more!
We also have access to a wide array of preserved specimens, including beautiful butterflies and beetles from all across the globe.